Kalender » 2019 » Mai » 10 » Travels into Trance - Freitag offener Abend
Form and FormlessnessShape and Shape ShiftingMatter and MoleculesThrough moving and traveling with t...
Travels into Trance - Freitag offener Abend
Erstellt von: Amala Ort: Tanzstudio Iris al Wardani Typ: Tanzveranstaltung (öffentlich) Start: 10. Mai, 2019 um 19:00 Uhr Bis zum: 12. Mai, 2019 um 17:00 Uhr
Form and Formlessness
Shape and Shape Shifting
Matter and Molecules
Through moving and traveling with the Open Floor map and the key movement principles and polarities of Grounding and Dissolving, Expanding and Contracting, we will explore how we can expand into a lightness of being, journeying through the physical patterns and movements that come through our body again and again. Inviting a dance of fluidity and the understanding that everything changes.
Trance is deep focus on one thing, staying with it and embodying a fuller understanding of what that focus may be communicating to us.
We will dance together, talk together and be together, staying with what arises, letting it go and offering it to the intelligence of the moving body.
This workshop will be reached by my colleague Cathy Ryan from Ireland. She is a founding member of open floor and a long time dance teacher.